You can contact us as follows:

Cryodukt AG
Heinrichstrasse 215
8005 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 572 32 10

Our opening hours are:

Monday to Friday
11:00 – 19:00

09:00 – 16:00

10:00 – 14:00

You can reach us from Zurich main station by:

Tramway 4
(direction Bahnhof Altstetten)

Tramway 6
(direction Hardturm)

Tramway 13
(direction Frankental)

Travel time is 4 minutes
Get off at the «Löwenbräu» stop
afterwards 3 minutes walk


Take the subway to Hardbrücke
afterwards approx. 10 minutes walk

Parking garage KVz, Gerstenstrasse
(open Mon-Fri)
from there it is a walk of maximum 5 minutes

Parking garage Schiffbau, Giessereistrasse 5
(always open)
from there it is a walk of approx. 6 minutes