High-end-Equipment for Health-, Sport-, Longevity, Biohacking, Spa and Beauty

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Cryo Chambers

Cryo Chambers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Multi Cryo-Hacking-System

Multi Cryo-Hacking-System

Vaccum therapy & Lymphatic drainage

Vaccum therapy & Lymphatic drainage

Where can you get the ingenious devices at Cryodukt X Coolzoone Zurich? At MTR AG! In Switzerland, MTR – Health & Spa AG relies on its many years of experience and globally recognised exclusive brands, making it the leading provider of high-end equipment in the fields of health, sport, longevity, biohacking, spa and beauty in Switzerland. The rehabilitation, recovery, wellness and longevity products and devices are all based on evidence-based treatment techniques and biohacking technologies.